History of
I began my yoga during a difficult time of my life, I was going through a separation and found myself lost in it all. I felt very isolated at the time. I wanted to make a change.
Since I was young, my friends always suggested practising yoga as I was already very bendy. I heard a lot about yoga meditation but never tried it.
I thought I'd give it a chance. I looked online, and found a few videos which initially I found it quite boring. It was when I began practicing with someone that it switched inside of me. I was feeling much more grounded and started to find myself again. I suppose the light started to shine through. I practiced every day for three years.
I thought I'd give it a chance...
I discussed it with some close friends and family. They were suggesting to train as a teacher and for me to leave my role in hospitality.
I took the chance and went to India.
I found that what we have on the yoga mat is just the tip of the iceberg. I loved the challenge I was experiencing everyday; I was learning about my life, my relationships and myself.
I began teaching a few months after my return to the UK. My classes started small however gradually built up and grew. Each time I teach, I learn more about the people I'm with.
My knowledge of the mind and body allows me to reach individuals with the words and positions that work best for them. I feel as though yoga is all around me and has contributed in many ways to the values of my life.
Today, I am fortunate enough to teach in and around Bath. I work with students of all abilities and ages; it is my way of giving back.
I think practicing yoga has the ability to change your life.
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